MPL Newsletter January 2021

Welcome 2021, Happy New Year!

Mountain Community COVID-Resources:

● Nederland Walk-in/Drive Through COVID-Testing
○ Date & Time: Thurs 4 – 6pm (No appointment or ID required)
○ Location: Nederland Community Center, 750 Highway 72 North

● Lyons Drive Through COVID-Testing
○ Date & Time: Friday 1:30 – 3pm (No appointment or ID required)
○ Location: Church of Latter-Day Saints parking lot, 200 2nd Court, Lyons

● Boulder County COVID-19 Vaccine Notification Sign-up – Receive an email when the
vaccine is available for your group within the state phased prioritization.
○ Notification sign-up:

● Gilpin County COVID Vaccination Info :
○ Phase 1A and Phase 1B administration of the COVID-19 vaccinations has begun
■ Phase 1A: Highest-risk healthcare workers and individuals
■ Phase 1B: Coloradians age 70+, moderate-risk healthcare, frontline
essential workers and first responders.
○ To register for an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, please call
303-515-4342 Monday – Thursday 8am -4pm. Once you are registered, Gilpin
County Public Health will contact you to schedule your appointment.

Home Delivered Library Materials:
In partnership with Nederland Community Library, you are
now able to request library books, movies, DVDs, CD and Audio Books to be delivered with
your meal. You pick the genre or specific titles for the once-a-week drop off and pick-up.
Email NCL Director Elektra Greer for more information: [email protected]

Foot Care with Nurse Debbie Neal:
Serves mountain older adults with toenail/skin care and a
review of foot concerns. By appointment at the Community Center. Call: 303-258-7768
Do you Need Medical Equipment? The Holistic Homestead provides mountain residents with
FREE medical equipment, including grab-bars, mobility devices and back supports.
Call 303-582-3001 or visit:

Virtual Medicare Basics Class, hosted by Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
Receive up-to-date information about Medicare enrollment, benefits, costs, what and how
Medicare pays, choices under Medicare plans, how they work, and prescription drug
coverage. To register call: 303-441-3570 or visit:

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